Ideas and advice to refurbish with Solid Surface

Whether we are talking about a partial refurbish or a comprehensive refurbish in your home, establishment or business, you should know that Solid Surface can give you what you are looking for.

This material offers many guarantees at the functional level, hygienic, aesthetic and durability over time. Therefore, you can use it for interior and exterior decoration of a bathroom, a kitchen, a room in your home, a space in your business, a facade and even for any special project you may have in mind.

The first thing you should keep in mind is THE IDEA: what do you want? How do you want to see that particular space? From there, we will readjust and define it to guarantee a complete success in the project.

THE SPACE: it is vitally important to plan the work well, both in space and orientation, taking into consideration what we have, and organize it well so that they will maximize the space, if they are small places. In contrast, in large places, you can play with the centimeters and add new pieces.

THE LIGHT: The Solid Surface brings luminosity by itself, whenever you choose light colors or its characteristic white. Both the exterior and the interior light give it an effect of greater clarity, which usually enlarges the space where it is located.

THE COMPLEMENTS: Being a unique surface, without joints, the Solid Surface allows us to merge the accessories we need, combining them perfectly, whether modernist designs or retro styles, even of different materials.

THE BUDGET: Normally we have a maximum that we can not exceed. The Solid Surface is not an economic material, as are others of lower quality, durability and guarantees. It must be taken into account and put all the factors in the balance. This is when the acrylic Solid Surface demonstrates its great performance at a quality-price level.

THE PROFESSIONAL: We must go to a good Solid Surface professional who will advise us on the whole process and help us to readjust all the factors to be able to carry out the project.

TIME: Solid Surface work requires your time, because it is made to measure and because it is a manual job. We must count on it at the time of planning.

Taking all these factors into account, once you have the idea, the Solid Surface professional is the one who must manage to carry out your project with all the guarantees.


By | 2018-03-12T22:13:24+00:00 February 3rd, 2018|Improvements, Solid Surface|

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